Search found 36 matches

by KillerK
20 Feb 2015, 23:59
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Some new shots of the PA A330/A340
Replies: 75
Views: 219534

Re: Some new shots of the PA A330/A340

Good stuff gents, appreciate the update. Looking forward to the eventual release.
by KillerK
22 Sep 2014, 02:43
Forum: News and previews
Topic: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released
Replies: 252
Views: 1061399

Re: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released

Hi! First of all, thank you PA for the sharklet model. Very impressive work. ;) Just wanted to ask, if you will support Shockwave 3D Lights by A2A Simulations for the sharklet model? If yes, is there any config available as early as now? Thank you. Jam Try this for the A320: [lights] light.0= 4, 44...
by KillerK
13 Sep 2014, 04:03
Forum: News and previews
Topic: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released
Replies: 252
Views: 1061399

Re: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released

Thanks for the release guys! Long awaited but most certainly appreciated. Fanhansa download.. till I get organised and upload to Avsim.. Tavers, Chrome seems to detect your livery as a malicious file and refuses to let me download it.
by KillerK
24 Aug 2014, 12:19
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Airbus Sharklet Preview Thread
Replies: 95
Views: 243103

Re: Airbus Sharklet Preview Thread

All of those are fabulous looking. Eagerly (and patiently!) awaiting release. I don't know about others, but I've been waiting many years for a decent A330/A340 model for FS9 and I know in the end the PA models will be very well worth it. What's a bit more waiting on my part? No harm done and plenty...
by KillerK
14 Apr 2013, 05:50
Forum: News and previews
Topic: The A330 and A340
Replies: 948
Views: 2016921

Re: The A330 and A340

And afaik, in real plane rarely the nav light visible(splash) on the ground.. :) That's not true at all, they're always visible at night simply because they are VERY bright. Here are some examples: Click Me Click Me Too Click Me I'm probably making a big deal out of nothing, but i just find it kind...
by KillerK
05 Apr 2013, 19:11
Forum: News and previews
Topic: The A330 and A340
Replies: 948
Views: 2016921

Re: The A330 and A340

Emm, not sure with the sentence i bold, because with my SS767 no problem at all, even the author give some update... do check here : That's what I mean. The very first 767v5 model back when the group was still known as Project Opensky had nav light splashes as well as bea...
by KillerK
27 Mar 2013, 21:33
Forum: News and previews
Topic: The A330 and A340
Replies: 948
Views: 2016921

Re: The A330 and A340

The only thing that I wish could be implemented to the model would by the built in lighting a la Skyspirit. Been done. Dumb but related question, do the nav lights shine on the ground too or just the beacon + strobes? I remember some of the first SkySpirit 767's had nav light splashes on the ground...
by KillerK
05 Mar 2013, 00:49
Forum: General
Topic: Anything on the A330?
Replies: 14
Views: 20387

Re: Anything on the A330?

A321flyer wrote:Anyway, thanks for the update. I'm hoping it exceeds what I believe will be an excellent looking model for both FSX and FS9.
No doubt in my mind it will be, PA has proven that many times in the past. Just be patient in the mean time, good things always come with a healthy dose of patience.
by KillerK
15 Jan 2013, 14:38
Forum: Support
Topic: Wingtip Fence Lights
Replies: 2
Views: 3999

Re: Wingtip Fence Lights

Oh! Perfect, thanks!

I'll leave a link here in case anyone wants to have a toggle for those lights:

by KillerK
15 Jan 2013, 01:30
Forum: Support
Topic: Wingtip Fence Lights
Replies: 2
Views: 3999

Wingtip Fence Lights

Okay, I asked this question long ago, but due to a hard drive crash I lost my previous FS9 install. Now I'm finally putting everything back together and this is likely the final piece of information I need. My question is what's the way to turn on the lights on the wingtip fences on the A380? With t...
by KillerK
18 Feb 2012, 19:14
Forum: General
Topic: A320 Family, A380 and beyond...
Replies: 59
Views: 65206

Re: A320 Family, A380 and beyond...

ReneM. wrote:Now the A330/A340 aren't standing anymore in the download section. But I hope there will be a project for heavy's but if not, we have a brilliant A32X-Series.
Not sure where you're seeing that, I still see the A330/340 sections in the downloads section.
by KillerK
18 Feb 2012, 19:12
Forum: General
Topic: Project Airbus going to make Airbus A310?
Replies: 8
Views: 10808

Re: Project Airbus going to make Airbus A310?

Just have some patience. I'm sure they'll eventually have something in store for us. The one thing I do hope is that they release a "newer" generation of aircraft first. A300/310 while being beautiful are just too classic for my taste. That being said, I don't care when they release, I'm j...
by KillerK
19 Jan 2012, 04:17
Forum: General
Topic: A320 Family, A380 and beyond...
Replies: 59
Views: 65206

Re: A320 Family, A380 and beyond...

I don't care what it is and when it'll arrive because I can now wait tension free knowing it will be FS9 compatible. That's really the only thing I care about, zzzzzz.
by KillerK
19 Jan 2012, 04:15
Forum: General
Topic: Better FSX Replacement?
Replies: 1
Views: 4149

Re: Better FSX Replacement?

X-Plane 10 looks quite awesome too.
by KillerK
06 Feb 2011, 19:23
Forum: Community projects
Topic: A330-A340 project
Replies: 224
Views: 538585

Re: A340-300 project

So am I to understand this will be an FSX exclusive project? FS9 has been lacking a high quality A340 model for quite some time now. :/ It looks so beautiful, I'd love to see an FS9 version, kindly give it some consideration. As of now, nothing is set in stone, but ultimately the goal is to make an...
by KillerK
05 Feb 2011, 18:34
Forum: Community projects
Topic: A330-A340 project
Replies: 224
Views: 538585

Re: A340-300 project

So am I to understand this will be an FSX exclusive project? FS9 has been lacking a high quality A340 model for quite some time now. :/

It looks so beautiful, I'd love to see an FS9 version, kindly give it some consideration.
by KillerK
04 Feb 2011, 19:41
Forum: General
Topic: what will be a freeware gem
Replies: 8
Views: 9038

Re: what will be a freeware gem

That's truly amazing.

I wonder if it's doable for airliners as well, or if it's just limited to smaller aircraft. I've love to see an extremely high detailed Airbus like the Aerosoft one albeit for FS9, one can always dream I guess.
by KillerK
24 Jan 2011, 02:37
Forum: Support
Topic: A380 Wingtip Fence Lights
Replies: 2
Views: 4830

Re: A380 Wingtip Fence Lights

Cheers for that.
by KillerK
23 Jan 2011, 16:00
Forum: Screenshots and videos
Topic: EK A380 Dubai - Zurich
Replies: 12
Views: 17620

Re: EK A380 Dubai - Zurich

Nice screenshots, the shockwave 3d lights make it look real. Do you think you could please post your light config so that I can use it to? Thank you :) Here's what I use: [lights] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing, 6=taxi light.0 = 3, -111.35, 0.00, 7.80, fx_shockwave_...
by KillerK
21 Jan 2011, 05:42
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Downloads page
Replies: 16
Views: 26024

Re: Downloads page

easyjet12 wrote:Offtopic, but are you doing an A321? I didn't know that. :D But if you are making A321, im waiting that. =) And this Downloads page is a good idea.
Yes they are, you can see some of the features here:
by KillerK
21 Jan 2011, 05:41
Forum: News and previews
Topic: A380 Virtual cockpit previews
Replies: 394
Views: 490013

Re: A380 Virtual cockpit previews

Patiently waiting for this one. The A380 was so worth the wait, I'm 100% sure the VC will be too. Take your time gents!
by KillerK
21 Jan 2011, 05:39
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Project Airbus - New Logo
Replies: 52
Views: 78407

Re: Project Airbus - New Logo

dobrado wrote:So, was anything decided for the new logo? I love the new website page by the way; very very nice!!

Definitely, it's very nice looking. No clutter, just 3 simple links and a picture of a beautiful aircraft.
by KillerK
20 Jan 2011, 17:54
Forum: Screenshots and videos
Topic: Crossing the Channel...
Replies: 1
Views: 3438

Crossing the Channel... an A380. I flew this ludicrously short route (EGLL~LFPG) to test the short haul capabilities of this wonderful bird. I had read about it being done as a summer special flight by AF itself and decided to recreate it in FS9. It performed well till the approach phase when things started to go won...
by KillerK
20 Jan 2011, 03:31
Forum: Support
Topic: A380 Wingtip Fence Lights
Replies: 2
Views: 4830

A380 Wingtip Fence Lights

Hi there, I seem to be missing the wing tip fence lights on my A380 that I downloaded from the official links. The only thing I've changed with regards to the lights is the addition of Shockwave 3D lights. The configuration I have was downloaded from here . Any idea what it could be? This is in FS9 ...
by KillerK
20 Jan 2011, 03:18
Forum: Screenshots and videos
Topic: FlyNiki A320: VIE-BCN
Replies: 8
Views: 11240

Re: FlyNiki A320: VIE-BCN

Good god, the third one is freaking beautiful. Love the subtle reflection on the nose.
by KillerK
20 Jan 2011, 03:12
Forum: Screenshots and videos
Topic: EK A380 Departure
Replies: 2
Views: 4697

EK A380 Departure

So it's been a looooooong time since I've flown in FS9 mostly due to real life commitments. I was eagerly waiting for the PA A380 and was extremely delighted when it was finally released. However, I refused to fly it till I had a decent sound pack for it. I'm one of those who obsesses over making my...
by KillerK
29 Oct 2010, 03:00
Forum: Screenshots and videos
Topic: Anyone wants a free A380....
Replies: 3
Views: 5534

Re: Anyone wants a free A380....

Very cool video. Is that an authentic A380 soundpack? I've been trying to find one that fits but so far my searches have been fruitless.
by KillerK
27 Apr 2010, 02:14
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Random W.I.P Screenshots
Replies: 641
Views: 584512

Re: Random W.I.P Screenshots

I was hoping for a release before I depart on my 4 month long break next week, but it doesn't seem to be happening. I am guessing I'll get to fly it when I return. >.<
by KillerK
20 Apr 2010, 14:44
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Random W.I.P Screenshots
Replies: 641
Views: 584512

Re: Random W.I.P Screenshots

When is it being rele...... lol joking!

I'm being uncharacteristically patient and if I can do it, so can everyone else (I am extremely impatient with other things). Patience is a virtue you know. :)
by KillerK
15 Jan 2010, 17:24
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Moving on, part 5
Replies: 350
Views: 341980

Re: Moving on, part 5

Fabulous video! The cabin looks great too, definitely going to be flying this beast a lot. :o
by KillerK
14 Jan 2010, 07:47
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Random W.I.P Screenshots
Replies: 641
Views: 584512

Re: Random W.I.P Screenshots

Ah understood.

Dumb question, but I take this model will be fully compatible with Shockwave's 3D Lights Redux package for FS9?
by KillerK
12 Jan 2010, 04:05
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Random W.I.P Screenshots
Replies: 641
Views: 584512

Re: Random W.I.P Screenshots

I don't mean to nitpick, but the nav lights in the EK/SQ paint screenshots look a little strange. I know the model is still WIP, but I hope the nav lights will look a little more authentic. For example, the gorgeous image on the PA homepage has the type of nav lights that I'd love to see. Small and ...
by KillerK
05 Jan 2010, 22:54
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Moving on, part 5
Replies: 350
Views: 341980

Re: Moving on, part 5

Since a lot of people have asked.. here's the line up planned as of now 1) Air France - Demetris 2) Airbus House Livery/Demonstrator - Demetris 3) Emirates - Tom Collins 4) Singapore Airlines - Tom Collins 5) Qantas - John Tavendale 6) Lufthansa - Airbus Primer Hybrid - myself 7) Lufthansa - Myself...
by KillerK
25 Dec 2009, 16:56
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Random W.I.P Screenshots
Replies: 641
Views: 584512

Re: Random W.I.P Screenshots

Tranceaddict wrote:well it's been updated heavily since this shot was taken.. the engines get their love today.. in time for the next flight WSSS-YSSY
Sounds good! Good luck.
by KillerK
21 Dec 2009, 18:24
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Random W.I.P Screenshots
Replies: 641
Views: 584512

Re: Random W.I.P Screenshots

She looks beautiful! Keep up the brilliant work guys!
by KillerK
11 Dec 2009, 08:04
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Moving on, part 5
Replies: 350
Views: 341980

Re: Moving on, part 5

Wow! This is terrific news. Thanks for making my day PA. ;)

New website looks awesome too!!