Search found 14 matches

by tors
05 Mar 2015, 20:00
Forum: Texturing
Topic: WOW Air A321 Sharklets
Replies: 0
Views: 6287

WOW Air A321 Sharklets

Dear readers!

Is someone willing of painting A321 Sharklet of WOW Air, but they are buying two new aircrafts of this great type. ... um_WOW_air
by tors
01 Oct 2014, 20:47
Forum: General
Topic: Project Airbus: You have done a great job
Replies: 0
Views: 16312

Project Airbus: You have done a great job

Dear PA!

You have done a great job with all your products. I´m now flying your A320 sharkl in Fs9 and the movement of the wings (wow), it is so real. Big thanks for everything.
Best regards,
Thordur S. :D
by tors
12 Sep 2014, 12:54
Forum: News and previews
Topic: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released
Replies: 252
Views: 1059433

Re: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released

You are great PA, big thanks for your great products.
by tors
07 Mar 2014, 12:03
Forum: General
Topic: Really miss sharklet version of PA
Replies: 3
Views: 19926

Really miss sharklet version of PA

Dear PA!

I really miss sharklet version of your great product (A319/320). Hope you will consider making it. :)

Best regards,
ÞS ... rbus-a320/
by tors
17 Sep 2013, 09:06
Forum: Community projects
Topic: TDS B737-700 Preview
Replies: 51
Views: 65268

Re: TDS B737-700 Preview

Dear TDS!

Thanks for you great model of Boeing 737. I have a problem, when I try to change view from panel to external view my Flight simulator 2004 crash. I´m wondering what cause it. Maybe someone can help me with that issue.

Best regards,
Þórður S.
by tors
25 Aug 2013, 18:05
Forum: Community projects
Topic: TDS B737-700 Preview
Replies: 51
Views: 65268

Re: TDS B737-700 Preview

Dear TDS!

What a masterpiece you are doing, just like Boeing 787. I have a dream that you will make A320 NEO (for fs9) because Project airbus do not have any plans of making it. Hope you will consider it ;)
by tors
24 Aug 2013, 12:54
Forum: Liveries
Topic: WOW AIR
Replies: 7
Views: 13306


Looks very nice! Big thanks to you. :geek:
by tors
24 Aug 2013, 03:06
Forum: Liveries
Topic: WOW AIR
Replies: 7
Views: 13306


Hi Camiz757!

I use fs9 and it would be great if you could convert it to fs9. My email is, would be very pleased to download your great texture. Big thanks! :geek:
by tors
17 Aug 2013, 18:42
Forum: Liveries
Topic: WOW AIR
Replies: 7
Views: 13306


Dear readers! Could someone texture artist make texture of a320 of WOW AIR, a low cost airline in Iceland that fly to many countries in Europe. Hope someone will consider it :oops: , here is pictures below. Best regards, Thordur Sigurjonsson
by tors
06 Jan 2013, 17:03
Forum: Support
Topic: Can someone help!
Replies: 0
Views: 2737

Can someone help!

Dear Project airbus staff and forum members! First I want to thank the staff for a great product of airbus 318-21 and I am looking forward after a330-40. One thing that has been irritating me is the weight balance on the airbus 319-21. In my opinion often in reality the weight is more in the rare pa...
by tors
17 Dec 2012, 21:01
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Airbus "Sharklet"
Replies: 2
Views: 4767

Airbus "Sharklet"

Dear Project airbus!

Is it planned to make Airbus Sharklet in the nearest future? Really hope so. :oops: Saw nice version from Aerosoft that was released today.
by tors
27 Nov 2012, 13:00
Forum: Support
Topic: PA A320 -- How to add more thrust?
Replies: 17
Views: 25255

Re: PA A320 -- How to add more thrust?

I have the same problem with the throttle, it´s only about 90% when I take off. Is something that can fix this (maybe something to change in aircraft.cfg?). :roll:
by tors
05 Jul 2012, 22:14
Forum: Support
Topic: Too much front weight!
Replies: 1
Views: 3193

Too much front weight!

Dear staff! :) I have talked about this before but there was not much discussion about it. I wonder why your great airplanes weight so much in the front? When I see a airbus (a19,20,21) taxi to a runway (in reallife) they seems to weigt more in the rear part. Is it possible for you to change this, o...
by tors
08 Mar 2012, 13:42
Forum: Support
Topic: Weight point/ a319,20.21
Replies: 2
Views: 4056

Weight point/ a319,20.21

Dear staff!

I was wondering about the weight point on your great aircrafts. It seem like the most of the weight is in the front. When I see real pictures the weight point seems more balance, both on the front and rear. Hope you can help me.