Search found 3 matches

by jason99vmi
12 Sep 2014, 13:06
Forum: News and previews
Topic: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released
Replies: 252
Views: 1061413

Re: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released

Fantastic ! Love PA!

OK I'll be the first to ask questions and get shot. Is there an FSX version or does this work in FSX?

Were there any changes to the panel? just asking since I use Francois Diore's panel.
by jason99vmi
25 Jul 2013, 12:25
Forum: Support
Topic: vasFMC integration into A380
Replies: 0
Views: 2774

vasFMC integration into A380

I have installed the non stand alone version and changed the title to the VASFMCgauges to no avail. Is there something we have to do to the panel.cfg? or the Vcockpit section of the aircraft.cfg? I downloaded this file vasfmc-msfs-gauge-setup-21. Was this correct or do I need to download the 2.0? Th...
by jason99vmi
24 Jul 2013, 13:06
Forum: Support
Topic: Vasfmc fsx integration with a380 VC HELP!!!!
Replies: 3
Views: 9265

Re: Vasfmc fsx integration with a380 VC HELP!!!!

Yeah I have installed the non stand alone version and changed the title to the VASFMCgauges to no avail. Is there something we have to do to the panel.cfg? or the Vcockpit section of the aircraft.cfg? I downloaded this file vasfmc-msfs-gauge-setup-21. Was this correct or do I need to download the 2....