Search found 4 matches

by LiamNCL
13 Sep 2014, 21:57
Forum: News and previews
Topic: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released
Replies: 252
Views: 1061406

Re: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released

Got Thomas Cook A321 TCDB ready to go as soon as sharklet paint kit is out
by LiamNCL
13 Sep 2014, 18:18
Forum: News and previews
Topic: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released
Replies: 252
Views: 1061406

Re: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released

Okay i got the fs9 version on fsx , im getting slightly transparent wings at night anyway to fix this until fsx ver is out

Edit : Fixed guys , used LMs from the FSX A321
by LiamNCL
13 Sep 2014, 05:37
Forum: News and previews
Topic: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released
Replies: 252
Views: 1061406

Re: A32X v2.2 for FS9 released

I could not get it to work in FSX either
by LiamNCL
09 Sep 2014, 16:58
Forum: News and previews
Topic: Airbus Sharklet Preview Thread
Replies: 95
Views: 243106

Re: Airbus Sharklet Preview Thread

The sharklets are stunning ! Is there anyway to make the leading edge of the engine cowling dull amd not so shiny so it gives it that metal feel ?